The benefits of mentorship are multifold, for all the parties involved: mentees, mentors and the firm writ large.
Mentorship relationships in the workplace are likely to increase productivity and connectivity. Furthermore, by creating various relationships between senior and junior lawyers, associates or partners, any necessary changes, vertical or lateral transitions, or restructuring will be met with greater comfort and ease.
Benefits for Mentees
Mentorship provides mentees with a built in sounding board, a sage advisor, professional resource, and personal support. Young associates will be granted a greater sense of security if they are afforded the luxury of having a senior associate guide them through big career milestones.
Benefits for Mentors
On the other hand, mentorships ensures mentors are able to share their expertise, knowledge, and experience with a junior associate who is willing to learn and listen. It is critical that senior associates are never undervalued, not only for their book, but also for the unique lessons only they can bestow on mentees.
Benefits for the Firm
Mentorship ensures the firm’s neophytes grow in the direction and mold best suited for the firm. They are nurtured in the shadows of their mentors, until they are strong enough to stand in their own life and eventually sustain their own mentee.
By fostering long-term and meaningful relationships between mentors and mentees, the firm will likely experience lower rates of turnover. The fortification of personal bonds at work will ensure excellent junior associates develop a deeper sense of loyalty and commitment to the firm. Mentorship develops those bonds in a positive and professional manner.
For a discussion of the necessary skills for mentors and mentorship, read this.